Monday, October 19, 2009

My new bling...

My new responsibility at church is to teach the children music. Each Sunday I get to testify of things that are true and real through song. It is a formidable task, because there is a significant “entertainment factor” involved. But I am happy to be in this work; I get to remember the tender ways God helps us learn through melody and simplicity, I get to have that much uninterrupted “face time” with my very own kids (5 of the six sing with me each week) and I get to remember how simple this gospel is that we sing about and believe in.

Yesterday was the annual primary program for our congregation. Since I’ve only had this calling about 6 weeks it was a tiny bit nerve racking to be responsible to lead these 90 odd voices in songs I have just become acquainted with recently. I was not nervous about their performance. I was nervous about mine. Would I remember words to music I’ve just learned? Would I remember which of the 10 songs was next up to be led? Would I keep the proper time/beat/rhythm?

Saturday I sang and sang and prayed and prayed. And Saturday night, this little necklace, along with a beautiful note were left for me by my neighbor and friend.

The necklace simply says “I am…blessed”. Kelly’s note reminded me that I have the powers of heaven at my service when I am in the service of my God. And even when it is just the simple lyrics to primary songs, Heaven does not leave us lacking.

The program was spirit filled and wonderful. My mistakes (yes, I made some) did not ruin the spirit, and that was what I prayed for. And around my neck I carry the reminder that even I am the recipient of the love of my Savior through the actions of His children.

Thank you for the tulips Kelly. Hope I can bring some to you on just the right day, in just the right way.

1 comment:

  1. you are my hero and you wear your bling so gracefully. Job well done on sunday! Sure love ya! p.s. I finally started my blog.
