Thursday, November 05, 2009

At the Dinner Table Last Evening

Mine was not this beautiful, but it was yummy just the same. image found here

We tried a new recipe. I made it up myself. Chicken vegetable soup (no, not chicken noodle soup.)

The kids moaned.

“This is NOT chicken noodle soup” they said.

“Does this have ZUCCHINI? AWW I hate zucchini!” they said

“looks like the noodles are not the right shape” they said

I thought to myself “I just made this darn soup and it looks good to me, and I want to eat it in peace without your complaints”

Molly was asked to say the prayer over the food. With sarcasm, I asked her to please ask Heaven to give us strength to eat the soup even though there are things in the soup that we don’t like to eat.

Molly’s prayer was like this;

“Heavenly Father. Please Bless that we will ….eat….this….soup. And Thank thee that we have this….soup. And Thank thee that we love each other SOO much that we can be a happy family.”

Zucchini never tasted so good.


  1. I'm with ya sister! Next time I think I will ask for that kind of prayer. I love it!

  2. seriously zucchini?

  3. You inspired me! I made chicken noodle soup today -- but the noodles were from the freezer section. : )

  4. Send me the recipe :)
