Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Ready to Read

Molly's crown announces her achievements, that she is ready to 'blast off" into reading...

Molly announced to us yesterday that she is "ready to read". I was happy to hear the news, though not quite sure why she was so positively decided. Today I understand.

Molly jumped in the car from preschool with this crown on her head and this chart in her hands. "SEE!! I TOLD YOU! I'm all ready to read now!" she bubbled.

Molly's ability to recognize every letter and sound in the alphabet, not to mention knowing numbers from 1-10 makes me bubble too. Hearing her giggle the letters and sounds (cowboy "Y" says yyy. Apple "a" says aaa.) was the absolute highlight of a very tiresome week.


  1. Congrats to Molly on a big achievement!

    Rae Ann and Tryn

  2. AND she is just completely adorable!
