Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Late Afternoon Post for a Day that is slipping away too quickly.

I am trying to be focused in my efforts to keep house, to keep my spiritual and physical house in order. To keep the house where we live in order. To keep my mental house in order. Lists each day which include a little box to check for "pray, exercise read (meaning read scriptures) and blog (because this is the best intellectual exercise I have time for right now).

Very few of those things have happened.

Sick kids. Two of them. Busy toddlers. Two others. Doctor visits that were not scheduled. Running for popsicles and jello and anything to con my little boy into letting clear liquids into his body.


sometimes in the mothering the house feels like its more made of cards than stone.

And yet. At least I can say that my house is built upon a rock.
So that when these crazy days come. And the wind and the rain and the floods come up, my house can at least

stand still.


  1. Call me for anything!!!

  2. I am so sorry about your sick ones...

    I was just thinking today about lists. I need to start making them so that when free time enters my day...I am more productive. I am going to start tomorrow morning!
