Monday, November 02, 2009

Their Favorite Part

This is what Sunday morning brought to our house this year...

The kids like to create their costumes (or at least they like to see how their designs have turned out of my creating...). The kids like trick-or-treating. But what the kids like most of all is the trading.

"One big candy bar for all of your licorices?"
"Two bit-o-honey and a lollypop for your reece's peanut butter cup?"

It goes on for hours.

This year, they called their cousins. Dinner at Grandma's consisted of children trading treats while parents conversed above the rustle of wrappers and the loud-ish negotiations.

Now that the trades have been made, we can almost throw the candy away (almost!). Though they like to eat it (definitely!) they like to trade it even more.


  1. How much fun! I love to see how my children have such different tastes. They also love to trade a bit, too, but it doesn't go on quite so long.

  2. That was so amazing on Sunday night. All the kids, all ages got right into the trading! Except Owen and Ruby, even Lucy knew what was going down. It was cleaver and fun. and now that the dressing up and makeup is over at my house, the candy bowl has been untouched for two days? go figure?

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I had to intervene and stop the trading when voices were raised, fights began, and younger children were being taken on a cheap deal. Emi was willing to give Parlee two mini Starbursts for Parlee's one full sized pack of Starbursts. That is 4 Starbursts for 16. The little sneaks!
