Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Go Here...


once upon a time a handsome college boy gave a smitten college girl a ride from the Institute building on campus to her class in President's circle.

She fell in love with him on the short drive, and as he dropped her off to class she thought
"oh my gosh, I love that guy"

(It was the Monday before Thanksgiving by the way, 17 years ago next week)

He didn't know it for months and months
but she thought about him every time she walked up the steps to that building
where he drove her to class.

We took our family to the place where it began.
Logan from Sprout photo came along
She captured the Grahams years after that little drive
look what we've become!


  1. What great pictures! Your kids are growing up! I can't believe how big they are getting!

  2. Beautiful photos, Katie. What an excellent family you are! Good job, you supermom, you!

  3. Mason was sure excited to show these off! picture perfect - she is a keeper.

  4. That may be THE family picture... of course you already have an embarrasment of riches when it comes to great family photos. Guess it's not the photo!
