Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not to be Trite, but What are you Thankful For?

Lucy and I pause and overlook downtown Boise. One of 4 states we've lived in and loved

I saw this little clip Thursday night and it really made me think. So many thankful thoughts I was smiling as I sat alone, late at night at the computer (John has been away and it is so hard for me to go to bed on time when he's not waiting for me there...)

So, what ARE you thankful for? Me? Shall I do it by the numbers? Or with the ABC's? Not to be trite, but here goes:

8 grahams (yes, including me, I'm thankful I'm one of them) who I live with, fret over and love every day
13 permanent addresses, which have brought me wonderful relationships and experiences (a few of those addresses were from my childhood, and some addresses John and I have shared are not listed because they were only months long internships...)
8 hadfields, who made me the person I was when I became a Graham
4 parents, 2 who raised me, and 2 who raised my love. All of whom I am grateful for, and humbled to call my family.
31 A's on smart kids' report cards
4 States in which we've lived and made friends who feel like family
3 countries where we've called home, and 1 we adopt because it is the mother country of one of our own Grahams; these with their cultures, differences and people have helped make us more than we'd be with just one...
1 John. With infinite number of reasons why I can be thankful for him
1 healthy body
1 set of standards, commandments and expectations to live up to-which help us as a family see that everything good in the life of this family comes from a loving God.
5 bedrooms, nestled inside one ample cottage, whose windows today glow with the reflection of the sun on the new fallen snow.

Of course, I could go on. And I will, hopefully through out this week of Gratitude and beyond. I challenge you on turkey day to find yourself on your knees before your day begins. Offer thanks, and thanks alone-and see what the Lord has done for you. Thanksgiving is only a really good meal unless accompanied with a reflective sense of blessings granted.


  1. I LOVE the Mormon Messages and hadn't seen this one yet. I think you have inspired me to share some of what I have to be grateful for, thanks KT.

    Love you!

  2. Thank you, you inspired me. I just finished writing my post of what I am thankful for. Too long to write here. My family, friends, the Gospel, my testimony, my talents, health... Thank you for your inspiration!

  3. Besides the obvious for me: hot fudge, a good pair of shoes, a big cozy sweatshirt, an airplane ride to see a loved one, indoor plumbing, modern science and medicine, an ugly car and chinese food. Fine art, museums, sitting by the pool, a great sunset, colored duct tape and good old kindess. Also Katie Graham, she is a good neighbor, and friend.

  4. Bueller. Bueller. Bueller.

    Actually, I'm sending holiday cards, so please send me your addy! (haven't heard back from you on facebook) ♥
