Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Are You Decked?

Not quite as "Martha Stewart" as I'd hoped, our pots on the porch are full of pinecones, greenery and berries. I randomly placed some "bling" out there, a few mercury glass acorns for show. No lights on the house this year, that will have to be an addition in years to come.

I intend to actually light a fire in this wall-mounted fireplace of ours. Perhaps with the glow of fire-light its funny place in our home will bring it sentimental purpose...

A growing Snowman collection. I like this theme as it works through January as well. Some are painted by hand by John's mom. Others are original works of art by Jeni Gochnor. All are a fun reminder of the truth that now, living in Utah, we can make Snowmen of our very own!

This table cloth was mailed to us in South Africa. It had been on my Grandmother's table for many years, and she shared it with us when we were far away and I was missing Christmas. Grandma passed away 3 days before the mail man delivered this to me. It is a special reminder of Grandma's love, and our kindred feddish for home decor!

I would have blooming bulbs in every corner of my home were my finances to allow. Here they grace the piano room, on the coffee table in front of our manger; pieces of the nativity will be lovingly placed during these next 12 days of Christmas.

the bells have be-decked the front porch of 3 Graham Homes, they work nicely here at the Spruces

We are trying to Deck the new Halls. This is the Third Christmas in a row that we are in a new home. Trying to blend vintage sparkle with traditional Swedish amidst the congestion of our bungalow.

My ideas rarely show beauty in practice. Maybe someday-after we've had a few holidays in the very same place-I'll feel like it looks the way I want.

For now, At least we've made an effort. With a Christmas tree still left to decorate we are still in decorating process at the Spruces-Are you decked yet? How do you like your holiday decor this year?


  1. You always have such great ideas! So fun to see your home decor. I have to say last year was really hard for me to get my home decorated. I was much more excited to do it this year. Part of it was having a vision of where I wanted to put things and the other part was resigning/accepting that I can't go back home for Christmas. I know that sounds bad. I am very happy here. :-) Just miss my family.

  2. are you for hire? man, you pput martha to shame - really and truly. I've seen the evidence.

  3. The re-do of last year's beloved sparkly gold and white tree is not as inspiring this year... very pretty, but I am over it! The garland that has graced the front stairs for the past several years was passed over. But next to the the dining room candelabra and reindeer is a silver with a wide green bow that reminds me of my Katie friend.

  4. ... that would be a silver STAR with wide green bow. : )
