Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lucia Day was Sunday

We stayed up late Saturday making dough for our Swedish rolls (kanelbullar) which we shared with neighbors for the occasion. Our two oldest are feeling less inclined to don the luciakladder (Lucia clothes) these days, and since we don't live in Sweden any more-where 18 year old boys happily put on the white star boy gown or dress up like a pepparkokker boyken (gingerbread boy) it is kind of hard to use peer pressure to encourage them. But our 4 others were happy to tromp through the wet falling snow to deliver goodies to neighbors who we already can call friends.

The Lucia Days we spent in Stockholm were full of wonder for me. Every window glowed with Christmas candle light. Children sang beautiful songs beckoning light into the dark winter days. The smells of the Christmas food-some foreign and pungently strong and some sweet and wafting-was other-worldly for me. I loved the experience then.

And so I perpetuate it now for my own. Not in the ways the Swedes showed it to me, but in a way that brings a taste of this wonderful culture to our family. Thank heaven John has Swedish in his heritage-it gives me further excuse to continue this small piece of the traditions we enjoyed so many winters ago In Stockholm.


  1. What beautiful pictures! What a beautiful tradition! You are amazing!

  2. so glad to see Lucia and "Stjärngossar" in Utah! They look great in Swedish "kläder" (cloths). I'm sure the buns tasted great!

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I love that tradition. I told you about the time a friend of mine and 3 other singing angels woke us up at 5am to bring us treats in my bedroom. It was one of the neatest things I have ever seen. It was so beautiful and I really thought we were being visited by angels. It scared me at first, but left me with the greatest feeling of peace. I will never forget it.

  4. Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. I hope you will always continue to do this with your family. We had 2 families come into Alex's kindergarten and share St. Lucia with us on Monday. this Friday at our Kindergarten party the girls will make the candel crowns and the boys will do the star boy hats! I love it. So glad you introduced it to our family. Next year with Dec 13 on Monday I will help you do a St. Lucia party like you did before? Love it!

  6. How fun! You guys are awesome!
