Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Favorite Christmas Memories Installment 4

Daddy holds Lucy, whose life beginnings consisted of orhpanage living, as he cuddles a real-time orphan. These photos of my parents giving tender love and care to the fatherless are truly my favorite photos of them, ever, anywhere.

Molly displays her own shoes, she wanted them off as most of the children at the orphanage went without

The most beautiful photograph of my mother ever taken. She is light-filled, showering a tiny stranger with comfort and grandmotherliness
new shoes sent from my siblings and nieces and nephews all the way to these little feet-who needed them oh so much

little feet wait impatiently, hoping a new pair of shoes will fit their little piggies

We spent Christmas in Johannesburg RSA a few years back. John's company had offered to send us home. We asked instead that they send our parents to us-and they agreed.

It being Christmas, and our extended family tradition being one of pooling present money to do a little service, new shoes were sent with parents to fit the feet of the children at the Ethembeni Orphanage in the Down town district. We visited this orphanage (my 3 big kids and I) 2 times each month for our "school of life" experiences. We loved these little feet-and the children who were attached to them. We were thrilled to see the efforts of those we love so much well spent in providing something useful and appreciated to the little lives who touched ours almost more than any others in our South Africa experience.

We spent the day before Christmas delivering our little gifts. Not in these photos are John and his brother Dean, who were also with us in the efforts. Then on Christmas Day we returned to play with the kids as the workers attended a holiday party. Christmas day's visit was cut short-but-our time spent with these little souls was well spent and life changing for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie and family!
    Sending a greeting from a very snowy Stockholm, Sweden.
    I didn´t get round to sending out our annual cards this year...due to a lot of other things going on -so this will have to do instead!
    We wish you all a peaceful and beautiful Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.
    THANK YOU for being such an inspiration through you blog - I just love it! Cecilia Strandman and family
