Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Once upon a time

We were six, 2 boys, 4 girls, 2 parents

Now we are (nearly) twelve, with an extra little brother and those same 2 parents

and we come with all of these (new little brother is sitting first row, next to Porter on the right).

and when Christmas rolls around we all like to be together. Now that younger brother has arrived from California with his beautiful (expectant!) wife and "little cousin Will" the celbrating can begin. Figuring ways to meet up for fun with cousins or games and conversation with each other, the people you see above are a very important part of this season.


  1. And last night as I was leaving Mom and Dad's that little brother was telling me how much he loves me and ALL I wanted to do was stay and watch star wars with him and see him jump around with his light saber (wrapping paper tube) and defeat the Empire. Alas, adulthood beckoned and I went to the grocery store pouting the whole way.

  2. P.S. and we all lived happily ever after :)

  3. Beautiful family pictures! I love the white!

  4. Can't wait for time to be together.
