Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Morning...

*Mason walked around the house singing "I Closed My Eyes" from "Joseph and the Amazing..." because he is auditioning today for his Jr. High Musical. I am wondering how he is going to manage play practice and the rest of his life, seeing as he has lost one coat, one text book, numerous novels and 2 calculators since the school year began. How does one teach organization to a teenage boy? Mind you, I've been trying to teach this subject to this person for 14 years...

*Brynley was caught reading in bed instead of doing her morning chores. Once her novel was taken from her she burst into tears, telling me she "never gets time to read for recreation." This coming from a child who finishes around 3 novels a week (500+pages per week!). My first thought was "welcome to real life" but my action was to compassionately take the novel away, promising its return to her as soon as she finished her chores and practiced all of her piano...she left for school literally in tears, telling me her life is too busy for the things she loves (I can so relate)...

*Porter announced that he did not finish last nights' homework. He had been told to join the family in decorating the Christmas tree when his work was done, and he decided to join us in decorating the tree before finishing. This has happened before, and before I told him to turn it in unfinished, stating that natural consequences would be that he would fail the assignment and learn from his miss step. Porter doesn't really CARE about failing assignments as he feels he is brilliant and doesn't need to prove that to anyone else, including his teacher or me, so that tactic proved ineffective. Instead this time he sat at the kitchen counter until 30 minutes after the bell rang and finished the assignment (perhaps the embarrassment of being late will be a catalyst for change?). When I relayed to John parenting he laughed compassionately and said "how ironic, you just got mad at me last week for not checking the kids' homework before he went to bed". He is right, hypocrite I must be. The true irony was the little skip in Porter's step as he zipped down to his classroom. I don't think being late to school on purpose fulfilled the purpose I intended...

*Porter's tardiness dominoed into tardies for both preschool girls and a very tardy me to a hair appointment. Then late to pick up the girls, late in running errands and on and on and get the picture.

All the while I'm thinking "I can't wait for them to be out of school so I don't have to deal the schedule while I get ready for the impending holiday" followed by this thought;

"oh my gosh, what am I going to do when they are with me all day instead of in school?!?"

Merry Hectic Holidays


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Yeah that sounds very familiar. I'm amazed you can fit chores and practice in before school. I've tried it and failed. Getting my kids to eat breakfast and get dressed in the morning becomes a yelling fit alone. I had to yell are Parlee 3 times this morning to get dressed. Each time I found her playing quietly unseen. So she got a little spank and just didn't understand why I was mad. So 5 minutes before school started, she got dressed while I forcible put her clothes on. And once again, I'll go beg for forgiveness and pray for patience.

  2. Good luck Mason! I too wish I could read for fun but darn those responsibilities!

  3. I love the music from Joseph -- how wonderful to have it worked into Mason's life. : )

    Never knew Brynley was such a kindred spirit. I neglect other less interesting tasks in service to books more often than is good for me.

    Morning scripture study... still elusive. As are chores. So glad you blog so I can keep being re-inspired by your fabulousness.

    Loved hearing your cheerful voice tonight. Hope you are doing as well as you sound. Miss you.
