Tuesday, December 08, 2009

This Year's Stab at Tradition


My sister has great ideas. This year she decided to make an advent out of these darling hand crafted (by her no less) christmas flags. I thought I would re-purpose the flags I made (with help) in South Africa. After 10 minutes of effort I was not willing to try any more (no time this year for being crafty at Christmas) but Mandy didn't let me give up. She suggested I take all the galvanized buckets I own (and a few of hers, thanks!) and make those work. So I did. And she also suggested I use these darling stickers to note each day of the month. And I did that too. With a late night brainstorming and a trip to Target for treats to add to the buckets I had a full blown Advent going on. The buckets are displayed on the Library book shelf so the packages can be opened at Scriptures in the early morning (a deliberate bribe to get Porter out of bed in the mornings. Who wouldn't rise for a bite of chocolate before Breakfast?)

The ideas are all from others, save the activities for each day. Today's activity was to "Help a friend or teacher at school". Pretty simple way to honor the "reason for the season".

We'll see if this tradition sticks. Some of them do, and some of the go the way of all the Earth. Still, it is a fun effort, and thanks to all the people whose creativity I could lean on.


  1. I like the bucket idea- it's cute! And giving service for their days- I need to put that in mine.

  2. That Mandee is a clever one! Hey AJ, I want to see your advent on your blog, nudge, nudge.

    I miss this type of tradition, the opportunity to ready scripture daily of Christ's birth and message, so I started doing it on my own! Just the scripture part, I don't open a box or anything. :)
