Thursday, January 21, 2010


He's the dad in this photo. And a really great dad at that...

My oldest brother turns 40 today. I've been thinking about it alot this last week or so. Because he is the only sibling in my family older than I am. Because we spent lots of years living in the same house and being really close friends. Because I listened to him tell me when he first fell in love. Because I believed him when he told me he was in love with the love of his life (that hotty dark haired darlin' you are looking at in the above photo...). Because He was the guy who took me on a date when no one in my school would take me to the homecoming dance. Because he is a dedicated educator who routinely trades the small salary he earns for the large satisfaction that he gains from making in difference in the lives of high school seniors. Because he has always listened to me. Because he is now not "young man" nor is he an "old man".

And because his turning 40 means I will turn 40 soon too.

But this post is not about me. Its about him, my big brother. And I bet he hasn't thought about turning 40 that much. He's just not preoccupied with junk like that.

Happy Birthday brother. I love you so much. I feel so glad God put us on this planet to be brought up by the same parents and I"m so glad I got to follow your lead. This year will be as good for you as all the others have been-because you are beyond age and full of wisdom and spirit!


  1. Thanks Katie, Love Mom

  2. SOOOOO TURE! The BEST oldest brother in the world!
