Monday, January 25, 2010

A highlight of this weekend...

yes, this is a repeat of the picture above. I'm that happy this composition is complete!

We had a very nice weekend;

my brother's 40th birthday surprise party (John doesn't want a party this summer when he joins the ranks of the middle aged. What will I do for him instead???) we all snuck into the classroom where he feeds teenage minds the truth about politics and the society. He was surprised. It was great.

John took the big kids skiing; best snow yet for this ski year

We both took kids and some cousins to see "Jack and the Beanstalk" at the Salt Lake Children's Theatre. Fabulous production-those guys do a great job and the tickets are a bargain for an afternoon at the theatre

The Graham family dessert gathering took place with Aunt Brynley and Uncle Dean providing scrumptious cinnamon rolls and mom Graham unloading more cool stuff on her kids (I bought two of these books, I have this extra print, who would like these lovely home accessories?)

But the Highlight of the weekend; After being very teary and kind of pitiful Sunday morning (why don't my clothes fit? I forgot to put the time on the flyers for the church luncheon! I am going to be late, and I"m first on the primary program!), John helped me pull myself together and finally compose and execute the design of our dining room wall. He was like a surgeon (hammer! Screw driver! Nail! Level!). I am happy with the color balance and I love to see it on the wall, after seeing it like this in my mind for months. Fill in that circle on the to-do list ;)

Happy Monday.


  1. Katie -- call me about a fun little 40 idea... I can't divulge it on this site because I know John reads your blog...

  2. It looks beautiful! I love the design! So happy it is done. I can share a bday idea on email

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Wow KT, it looks professionally designed. Way to go. I just love it.
