Friday, January 29, 2010

Yesterday was Busy

Some new friends join me for Pot Luck lunch. Third Thursday of each month, rotating through the neighborhood. Just like Texas Days of Yore...

In Texas the ladies met once a month. Pot Luck. Bring your kids. After Pre-school pick up so all the girls could make it. Some guests were Grandmas. Some were newlyweds. All were hungry. Always casual, very dependable, super fun.

I need to make some true friends here. I mean, other than my sisters and the other true friends I made our last time 'round in Utah. So I asked around about having monthly pot-luck lunches in this new neighborhood.

It's a Go!

This is my second turn hostessing. And after a day of being quite ill, I feared I'd have to cancel. But the heavens were smiling down on our luncheon, and I was made whole just in time (the night before) to open the doors and let the sunshine-y visitors come in.

Chicken curry wraps were yummy. The almond cake was my favorite. Brought by our Russian neighbor, who also brought her darling twins and her camera to take new pictures of friends she had not met. And she's lived here lots longer than me. Her arrival at our luncheon was the confirmation that I had been made well just so we could gather together.

Tender mercies, for sure.

Today we have a sick one (again, sigh. Moving always brings illness into our home; the first year in the new address is the most medically expensive of all the years to germs in new places = frequent trips to the pediatrician) and friends coming home with our kids after school. Porter enjoys a Jazz Basketball game with John. We prepare to ski tomorrow.

and I am glad its the weekend.

p.s. see our new light fixture? Isn't it so awesome? This is a collaborative effort between myself and my father, purveyor and owner of the Lamp Company in Salt Lake City, UT. He and his trusty assistant Gabe came and installed it themselves just the other night. The best compliment I've received in a very long time came when dad stood back and viewed the finished work. "Really cool" he said. I know he'd had his doubts about my lighting design. I tend the see the world just a little differently than most, and in lighting that can be dangerous, I guess ;)

But in the end, dad saw that it was good.

I'll send you more photos to envy soon. For now just think BRIGHT brought to a dimly lit room at the Spruces...


  1. i remember so happily all the lunchtime get-togethers we used to have in Hyde Park. and the FHE groups. PLay groups. Slumber Parties at Charlotte's house. Those were the best of times. Haven't had that kind of community experience since we left there. Your house is darling, and i'm certain the lovely guest's enjoyment of the day had everything to do with their gracious host. Go Katiegirl! ♥

  2. Love your light fixture! I do enjoy RS get togethers for lunch. I do miss those in TX. I should start one here... We have been more sick our 2nd year rather than our 1st. I just cleaned all the nursery toys today in hopes of stopping some of the constant cold my Audrey has had.

  3. So sorry I missed it. I love being in your home and your ever positive attitude. Our family has been blessed by your latest move. Love to you Katie. It is comforting to know that you are just a few steps away. Loves!!!

  4. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Way to go on the luncheon. What a great way to get to know the neighborhood. I started a similar luncheon. I called it Dinner for Lunch. It was my way of expanding my menu options. We only do it 4 times a year. Everyone makes a dinner dish and brings the recipe and then you can actually taste what the recipe is supposed to end up like. Sometimes we have a theme like "Crockpot" or "From Food Storage". I love it. And yes it is a great way to pull people together.
