Monday, February 01, 2010

The internal conflict of a Monday Morning

some of the explosion of dishes waiting for me this morning...

The Internal optimist said: "you enjoyed such a productive and enjoyable weekend. Look at all that you accomplished together; kids got haircuts, valentines and you finished a project for church and enjoyed a date with learned how to make cool newsletters with your computer and you took dinner to your grandparents. Everyone got along well. John was especially doting and now you can face the rest of winter and ski season"...

The internal pessimist: "the kitchen is already trashed at it is 5:30 in the morning! How am I going to dig out from all these dishes, plus start the laundry, pick up Porter's medicine from the pharmacy and nurture and rear the little girls amidst the housework and errands"...

optimist: "You don't have to accomplish everything today. Pick just a few things, and do them well. Keep priorities straight; nurture kids, invite peace into the home, stay positive!"

pessimist: "the kitchen is already trashed and it is 5:30 in the morning! (yes, it is a REPEAT). Molly's coat and glasses are no where to be found! Porter is whining and crying over piano practice and I've had to threaten the kids with their hides to get them to move and do their morning chores. I'm going to LOSE MY TEMPER if those kids don't put their lunch-making materials away. A messy kitchen is no excuse for them not picking up after themselves."

optimist: "remember your morning prayers! Beg for help to see the bright side...keep the eternal perspective. The dirty dishes are no excuse for not trying you best to be civil. And How am I going to get Lucy's bed put back together before she has to sleep in it again tonight? I can't believe she wet the bed! She never wets the bed! so much many much to pick up and put in place..."

the jury is still out on which voice I will heed. A nice sweaty work out and a 20 minute blitz in the housework department and then I will decide.

How is your Monday going?


  1. I had this same conversation with myself last night!!! If it makes you feel better my pile of dishes was MUCH larger!!! Good luck!


  2. somehow we weathered the weekend well, it was the after school drop it where you feel like it that is killing me! oh, well. grind grind grind. right? good luck to us ALL!

  3. Every Monday starts out with piles of dishes (much larger than yours). And I have similar internal debates on getting my butt in gear to get things done (although instead of exercising like I should, I just look at blogs instead). In the end, I remind myself that if I get the dishes done, the rest of the house magically seems cleaner. And I find the oomph to get the rest of things done too. Starting is the hard part. Good luck. You're a fabulous mom so I know you'll make it work.

  4. Just finished cleaning up (with Noah's help) tonight. Maybe if we did each other's dishes it would be more fun cause it would be like service.

  5. My Monday morning was horrible. It started with someone from work calling my husband at 1am to let him know they wouldn't be in due to a death in the family. An e-mail had been sent at 11 pm, but somehow a follow up call seemed to be necessary. Then, we couldn't go back to sleep because we had been worried it was one of our parents calling... Then, I came down to screaming kids who had the day off. They were whining and fussing and I thought this is going to be a great day.

    Then, my kids cheered up and found friends, and I found a friendly phone call with wise counsel. My friend said the good thing about starting your day off so badly means you have all day to make it end better. What a sweet thought. I hope you had a better Monday. I did. :-)
