Thursday, February 18, 2010

Her Day

A quiet ride, for me, from Provo as Bryn dives into her brand new read.

One of many phone calls Bryn received from Happy Birthday wishers!

Birthday cake, baked by Dad. Purple frosting made by mom. Happy Birthday singing in English and our traditional Swedish by children who adore their sister. Twelve Candles, count 'em. Twelve!

We drove the valleys of the Great Salt Lake in search of books stores worth noting. She carefully guarded the money given her for each stop-saving it up til at the last (and largest) bookshop where she let out the stops and picked up a few of the novels she's been eyeing for a while. We drove around the BYU campus as one of Bryn's current goals is to be a student there.

When I was twelve my current goals were to avoid babysitting for my parents and not have to take a turn dusting the lamps at my father's shop. Not Bryn. Get great grades. Be a great dancer. Graduate from BYU. Run her own bookstore. So, I figure, if that's the kind of girl she is the least I can do is let her skip school to check out the campus and do some "job spying" for her future career.

We met John at In-N-Out burger for lunch, we bought candy at the BYU candy counter, and we picked up cupcakes from the Sweet Tooth Fairy just because how often are you in Provo? I mean, if you don't live or study there?

Then it was home for dance class and dinner, and then off to her first Young Women's meeting. Cake, cupcakes and candles (with plenty of ice cream) waited for her at home. And her sisters and brothers waited to sing to her and celebrate.

She played it pretty cool, taking it all in stride. But I heard from her friends (and their parents) that she had a great that what I'm in for now that she's 12? Hearing from other mouths than hers when she's happy? oh boy, here we go.

Happy Birthday to Brynley. Now that the celebrating is behind us the work of loving a tweenage girl has begun :)


  1. 12! How fun!!!! Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate!!! It would be fun to have your own bookstore!!! I love her ambition!!!

  2. BYU? And you're OK with this?

  3. What a fun birthday! She is such a pretty young woman. Just as I was getting used to the idea that Mason was a legitimate Young Man, Brynley becomes a Young Woman! My how time flies!!!

  4. megan (of sweet tooth fairy) and i grew up in the same ward. only she was the youngest in her family, so we didn't really cross paths much. but her sibs and parents i knew well.

    haven't been to her shop, but plan to take my sister there (who WAS her peer) next week while they're visiting. gotta check it out finally! (perhaps a vaNIElla cupcake?!)

    ♥ to that Brynley girl! may she turn out to be just like her momma.

  5. hjärtlig lycka till dig,
    hjärtlig lycka till dig,
    hjärtlig lycka, kära Brynley,
    hjärtlig lycka till dig!
    kram från Sissel

  6. It was a special thrill to be with you the actual day of your birthday. What an adventure it was waiting for you to come those 12 years ago! I love you Bryn. Thanks Katie for letting me help with the kids and have birthday dinner (and cake!) with the Birthday girl.
