Monday, February 22, 2010

This Week: Thoughts on "home" by Me

Lucy at peace, in the busiest place of the house, she sleeps undisturbed for hours.

Molly feels safe in her room. Not on her bed, but on the tiny setee that is lovingly stored bedside in their basement abode.

Home is a place where you feel safe. A place where you know you are accepted and loved. Once I was given a quote that (paraphrasing) spoke about creating an environment in our homes where if Jesus Christ were to come to the door, He would chose "to linger and to stay". Of course, this has much to do with the hearts, actions and attitudes of the people who live in our home. But I really like the idea. That the creator of the Earth and the Savior of the world would want to "linger". To rest. To be safe. To stay.

That idea is so very lofty. And I know that I truly don't cut the mustard when it comes to providing the example of attitude necessary to uplift instead of berate. To encourage instead of critique. To be grateful instead of ask more. I know in those ways I fall short of creating a space where all who enter (especially those who BELONG here with me) will feel such comfort and safety that their great desire would be to linger more.

And yet, that is still what home means to me. And I will try harder today to create that for my children. To encourage that in my attitudes and actions. And to appreciate the moments when safety and peace in our home are achieved.


  1. You touched on every area in which I could make great improvements. I find myself "teaching" my daughters about giving, selflessness, kinder voices, and respect with my words...and my next thought is how I could do more teach them with my own actions. Linger and stay is a beautiful thought~

  2. What a great thought. I haven't thought about that in a long long time. I am sure your house is a great place where the Savior really would love to linger with you. Seriously, when I think of you, I think of such a loving and kind and thoughtful individual. I love those days that are peaceful and great. They are not everyday, so I surely relish those few peaceful days.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Sadly my house is so loud that the only people who want to linger are those whose kids are as loud as mine. Not even the grandparents want to linger too long.
