Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home is a Place Where Others Come Before Self


Grahams and extended family gather to assemble hygiene kits for Haiti. The cost of supplies was great; so the Graham kids gave up pizza and movie rentals for the month to help. In this case, they'll receive a tangible reward. Vouchers for a day at Disney as part of Their "Give a Day Get a Day at Disney" service initiative this year.

When I was young I wondered how the family was supposed to serve me. I expected rides, privileges and opportunities to be mine just because I was part of my family. Entitlement was mine, and my world was very small because it really only revolved around me. As I grew I realized that all around me, in my family, people were serving me. My dad, bless his soul, got up early each morning to throw newspapers with us, though he never took part of the profit. My mom stayed up late on so many nights, typing reports or sewing or baking; whatever needed doing for our scholastic success. My little sisters were in tow whenever I was to be watched at a school event whether a volleyball game or a vocal concert. As the family served me and my eyes opened to their kindness, I softened. I started to give back, and I found joy-and myself-in the service. I become someone more that I had been when I only thought of myself.

Sometimes, even though I spend most of my time serving my family now I still wonder "what's in it for me". It is an embarrassing reality that I am innately selfish. I actually think we all are. One of the most ennobling things that can come about in our lives happens when we put others first. And when putting others before us becomes the natural inclination I believe we step closer to becoming like Christ.

Because He put others before Himself in every sense and on every occasion.

One of the best places to learn this habit is within our own homes. Though my children scream and rant when asked to do their chores, I stand by their need to work not so much because I need the work done (though I do) but because I know that their base inner self has to be molded to become noble. And taking out the garbage or cleaning a mess we didn't actually make? Those are the baby steps toward putting the needs of the many in front of the need (or want) of the one.

Being part of something bigger than you; that is to be part of a family. And when you do for the family first, and for yourself after that, you come to see in very minute fashion the possibility that joy can come when you "lose yourself" in serving others and "find yourself" in the very same act.


  1. What a fun activity. We had an activity similiar in Young Womens. How awesome that you were able to do this with your family. I had one child who kept complaining to me as we were buying the supplies that he couldn't buy anything for himself.
    By the way. The last word I think of for you is selfish! You are the great example to me of an amazing visiting teacher who goes above and beyond and who does what she sees a need, without being asked, or without saying what can I do. Nope, you just do. You are amazing to me!

  2. I don't think I've ever felt so home sick as I do now looking at those pictures. I wish we had been there, or even been asked to contribute ;).
    And for what its worth I have no memories that corroborate the first part of your post. I only remember a sister who was always willing to give me a ride or help me in anyway she could!

  3. Beautifully said. I wish more parents were taking this attitude with their children. Maybe Disney can make them! We too are doing a service project for our Disney vacation!
