Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Anatomy of a Road Trip

Throw your kids in the car and drive for a long time, passing small towns, casino halls, and Salt Flats. Revel in the beauty of Tahoe, Thrill at the curves of the decent onto the Western coast.

Watch them explore the new, the beautiful. Enjoy the chance to breath, to play and to learn through their eyes and on their time.

Laugh with them at whatever they see funny. Marvel at their humor, their innocense and their natural ability to feel and share JOY.

take them shopping. Preferrably with money they've earned themselves. Let them learn about a new place by seeing what others value there. Let them realize what really matters. Give money to street people and show mercy and compassion (I wish I'd done that better this trip)

enjoy the culture, the fun and the talent! Musical, Gallery or Museum. Help them see that the world is big, and that it is full of people who are gifted and good.

Then climb back in the car, and talk about whatever they want to all the way home. Eat snacks, listen to their music, chat. Giggle. Grin.

Happy Road tripping to you!


  1. Sounds like an awesome plan!! Will have to try it soon :)

  2. You make it sound so easy! Can my girls come with you next time?
