Monday, March 22, 2010

Last Week...

Was very busy. Here is the recap, in reverse:

The girls and I road tripped to San Fransisco to make good on a Christmas gift; a night at WICKED

Lucy turned 4

Madi turned 10
and I ate most of her birthday cake, myself. She decorated it herself. Great recipe Sharon.

We had a dinner guest, a friend from Johannesburg South Africa who is studying and BYU in Provo... I had his picture above and just hit "delete" by accident. I'll send his mug along another day.

This all went on while John was out of town on business, I was fighting a cold, and we had play performances and rugby practices, first time soccer practice for Porter's spring season and dance classes for Bryn, Molly and Lu. Also; relief society, Kindergarten orientation for Molly and Maturation program for Brynley all took place at the same time on the same night. Needless to say, I went to Relief Society...after a week like this my own spiritual well being seemed to trump knowing where to drop off Molly next September in the Carpool line or re-explaining the birds and bees to daughter Bryn.

What was your week like? Busy as usual? They all seem busy these days. Full and crazy and busy with kids and homework and sports and the like.

just the way they ought to be...

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