Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Birthday #2

photo care of Sprout, thanks Logan!

It is Lucy's Birthday today. "Princess Breakfast" of waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon and canteloupe were served. Presents opened before Daddy was off to fly again. Lucy and Molly and I stopped by the grocery store to purchase chocolate donuts for her classmates. Now she is off to school.

She will choose "birthday lunch"; my bet is on McDonald's happy meal (heavily influenced by her sister Molly, I"m sure). Tonight I will snuggle in bed with her and read "Fancy Nancy" and close my eyes and dream about the day she became my child.

I have a pit in my heart that I was not present for her birth, and that she was not born of me. But I have a daydream about her birthmother loving her little baby and having some sense of peace and understanding deep enough to know the she would be taken care of. I have to believe it was that way, because God had so gently and definitely told me about Lucy so long before, and we'd been trying desperately to be united with her.

Someday I'll ask Lucy's birthmom what she knew and what she felt. Because I was praying for her, for years before Lucy was ever conceived. I hope she felt those prayers on this most special day when Lucy entered this world.

And How happy we are to celebrate her today. A princess indeed. Happy Birthday Lu!


  1. Your story of receiving Lucy has touched me so many times. You definitely added to my testimony of motherhood. What a blessing she is! What a true gift. Happy Birthday Lucy!

  2. What wonderful birthday traditions!!!! Happy birthday Lucy!

  3. Happy 4th Birthday Lucy! Can't believe that both you and Keira are now 4.

    Huge Hugs From Your Travel Mates
    Heather, Keira & Monica

  4. Happy birthday to Lucy! Wow, has it been that long since you were in South Africa?! Seems you are as great as ever Katie! xx

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