Monday, March 15, 2010

Foggy thoughts on Monday

John has been traveling a lot this month. Last week he brought me something from his many travels.

He brought me a cold.

I've been living with my nose stuffed up and my head heavy and foggy for the last few days. It stinks.

Especially because today is Madi's Birthday! She is now 10 years old! I've been thinking so much about the day and week she was born today. Just a few days after her birth John and I left her (and big brother and sis) with my mom to do some research in the local Barnes and Nobel. We were to give John's company a list of the top 5 countries we would live in as "Ambassadors" of his firm.

Our top choice, after reading and researching and xcel spreadsheeting that night, was Sweden.
Hard to believe that was 10 whole years ago.
But its not hard to believe that Madi is 10. She is independent. She is wise. She is smart. She is funny. She decorated her own birthday cake (thank you Sharon for the recipe! Delicious!)

Mason's play went well, so they extended it by one more night. He will be swinging his hips for the last time just after we sing "Happy Birthday" to Madi and dig in to her personalized pastry.

And thank you Blue! The cupcake was divine. I've been dutifully staying away from sugar and sweets. Its been paying off, I can actually button my jeans again. But your yummy cupcake was a much needed lift during a week with husband away and very busy children. Thanks for thinking of us. Thanks for thinking of me.

Here is hoping that tomorrow brings a clear head and a smiling face. I'm off to take more advil, do some dishes, wrap some presents and prepare to sing "happy birthday" with a raspy horse voice.

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