Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Go Go Go Mason

A Good luck was waiting for Mason as he got in the sower this morning.

Our first born enjoys his theatrical debut tonight at the Jr. High. I saw him in action on Monday and was, to be honest, relieved that he is as good as his director has been telling me he is (I'm a pretty harsh critic I guess). He shares the stage with a lot of talented kids, and the best part about watching him "in the moment" of his glory?

You could tell he was having fun!

If you want a look at some pretty good amateur play acting then head over to Olympus Jr. High in Salt Lake City. Tickets are $5 at the door. Mason is Pharoah tonight and Friday night-but the kids who play that role and others on opposite nights are (dare I say it?) just as good.

Break a Leg Mason~!


  1. How fun! Wish I could be there... I love that one.

  2. I love the candy poster!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the play! It sounds wonderful! How exciting to see you son on stage!!!

    My neighbor is a cake decorator. She made the cake on my blog and one slightly larger with an "E" on it. They were beautiful!

  3. SO excited to see this tonight!!

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    That is so great! My kids love being in plays. Dallin is in Bye Bye Birdie this year and the younger kids are in the Jungle Book. We love the theater! Good Luck Mason!
