Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Home Improvements

This has been the view from the front door of the Spruces

Now, a slimmer, "cleaner" view awaits any who cross the thresh-hold

Many weeks of design work, lots of detailed measurements, approving finishes and figuring out the electrical. The installment took two weeks.

A TV is housed in the upper cupboard, so young ones can watch disney flicks while big kids kick around in front of the big screen in the basement. I spend lots of time sitting in front of the mac, blogging and checking email. This is our stereo system, our entertainment center, and will soon house many of our books and knick knacks.

My favorite detail? The corner shelf on the end. The designer said he'd never seen anyone use craftsman elements and a corner rounded edge. I wanted it to look like a Grandma's curio shelf. A nod back to the time when the Spruces was new, and not just new to me. I love it that he did what I wanted, and I like the way it turned out. My old fashioned milk glass collection is nicely perched on the vintage inspired shelves.

Thank you John, for letting me have my way with the design and the execution of the entire project. I think it is a great gift from a loving and doting husband to his finicky, particular wife. You let me do this not because we really "needed it" for our home, but because I wanted to make this into a place where I truly feel at home.


  1. Your eye for design is wonderful! I LOVE how you use white and bright colors. I would love to get the name of your designer/builder, I have some ideas too!

  2. It looks great! We did our own little bit of renovation at our house. I now know how difficult it can be to come up with a design, pick out finishes and dealing with all the details, not to mention the waiting and waiting for the big reveal. Congrats on such a lovely piece that will make your house feel more like home.

  3. oooh, and i never got in far enough to get a glimpse of it today. next time!

  4. That looks great! I love watching you decorate your home. You certainly make it your home and a place where the spirit can reside. Beautiful!
