Monday, March 08, 2010

Just long enough

sporting her favorite do

Perfect little pony tale

Lucy wants to be a princess. She prances around the house in one of Brynley's old dance costumes with a ratty long red-haired wig on her head saying "tell me I'm so beautiful".

Her hair is just barely long enough for a little pony tail in back.

Lucy loves the look. she believes that if the hair is in the pony, it is somehow longer, more full, more "princess-like".

Long hair or short, ratty wig or au-natural, she couldn't be more of a princess to me.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    She is so dang cute. I used to put a dish towel on my head and pull it into a pony tail. Thats how I created my long lucious locks. And then I put paper clips on my fingernails giving me beautiful long nails. I'm sure I looked gorgeous.

  2. did you notice that she almost has your face in this picture? or perhaps it's just a mannerism. but she looks like a perfect little graham cracker!
