Friday, March 05, 2010

A Final Word From the Trenches

100+ kids "take a knee" for opening day of Highland Rugby 2010

He's wanted to play on this rugby team since he was 10 years old.
I have been concerned that he would quit, get injured, or worse than anything, be told he wasn't good enough.
He would hear none of my concern.
I spent the weekend buying equipment.
He spent the weekend with the flu.
Monday afternoon he ran to the car, butterflies in his stomach and a smile on his face.
Racing onto the field for the first day of the season, I heard him mutter under his breath "I've been waiting for this".

In our Mothering, sometimes its so important to let our kids lead the way to the fulfillment of their dreams. My role as taxi driver, cheerleader, supporter and budget keeper becomes critical as he gets older. My role as "decider of possibilities" must vanish into the aging sunset.

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