Thursday, March 04, 2010

Another one From the Trenches

Bryn and her science partner Lauren pose at the Awards Ceremony

We chided her about her less than stellar effort on the science fair project.
No Research Paper, and notes on the subject matter loosely gathered in a binder.
The presentation board was clever and the project fun, but not real substantive.
We expected more.

She went on to win Honorable mention.
She earned more points than anyone else in her class (well, she earned the same number of points as her partner :)
She has been rubbing our noses in it ever since.

Sometimes in mothering we expect the moon. When we see the stars instead, its important to be happy for the way they shine too.


  1. That made me laugh! We have all had days like that when we know our kids can do better and they don't. We just forget how good our kids really are, especially in today's standards. I hate to say it, but the world's standards just keep going down and ours are staying the same. You are a phenomenal mom!

  2. So what was this fun, apparently low-stress science project? We all want to use it for our kids!

  3. my problem is leading them by the nose to just make the stars. be happy yours aim that direction all on their own! and it was a tastey project, you must share.
