Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Mothering From the Trenches

He smiles for the camera, though I've just broken his heart

I didn't read the newsletter carefully enough.
I had the African Market Day and the African Dance Presentation mixed up in my mind.
I drove past the school on what I thought was Market day to see the parking lot packed.
My stomach sank.
I had to drive the jr. high carpool before I could do anything about it. I left my own Jr. High kid because he wasn't quick enough to the car and broke every traffic law possible to get the others home.
As I rushed to the door of the elementary school, sweating with desperation, Porter came out and announced "it just ended".
I walked inside with him, trying to hide my tears.
He showed me his pyramid, other mothers who thought I had seen the dance commented on his coordination, on his joy in the experience.
I smiled and appreciated their words, still trying to hide my tears.
I apologized again and again. Took him for a slurpee. Sat and read extra stories to him at bedtime. Cuddled with him as he slept.

As a Mother, Sometimes even though you mean well, you will make mistakes.
I prayed he would forgive me. I prayed I'd forgive myself.

Next morning Porter tackled me with hugs and kisses before school.
Prayer answered.


  1. What a great kid...and a great mom!
    I need to have more days of extra books at bedtime and cuddles before bed! So sweet!

  2. You are a fantastic mom! We have all had days like that. Like when I got frustrated with a disobedient son this weekend only to have to take him to the ER. His behavior was a result of feeling sick. They survive. We are so much better for it all!

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    It happens to us all I fear. I realized one day as I was going to pick up kids that they were all carrying their science fair boards home. What?!! The science fair is over? When was it? However, Andrew didn't care that I didn't show up. I guess he figured all the work I did to help put it together was enough. Oh well, his teacher is probably beginning to expect this behavior from me.
