Monday, May 17, 2010

Growing again...

This is the first year John has really dug in to the planning and planting of the garden. He even took a day off from work to get it in. He built the lattice work, and he purchased the needed soil to give our plants a healthy start.

many of our plantings are from seed this year. We soak the seeds for at least an hour prior to placing them in the ground. the brown seeds you see on the left came from our wonderful friend Evans, the beans from his Texas garden will be growing here in Utah this year!

A view of our planted garden. I've never used the lattice to mark our "square feet" before, but it will be interesting to see how it helps us get a better yield from the space that we have.
Thanks to our good friend Matt for helping us BUILD the boxes. He spent an entire Saturday nailing and measuring. His help was the kick start we needed to finally start gardening again.

I can't help but put marigolds in my vegatable gardens. My great grandma taught me that they keep the bugs away. I plant them in her honor-never thought of them as "pretty" but I think of Grandma Carter and her wonderful "green thumb" whenever I see them!

tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, strawberries, cucumber, rosemary, cilantro
Pole beans, bush beans, red and yellow beets. Two rows of corn, dahlias and marigolds. Zucchini and squash, and a little lettuce just for good measure...

When we moved from Texas to Boise, many years ago, I had my first successful garden. With every move I've had to leave my tomatoes on the vine. Our last round in Texas never saw a garden on our property, something I bitterly regretted. Now, at the Spruces, we are growing again. It was exhilarating to put plants in the ground and with a new twist; John at my side and even more enthusiastic than me! I can't wait to weed and water, and enjoy working with my kids in this place. Happy Spring!


  1. It looks amazingly beautiful and productive!!!! I love the size!!!

  2. Looks great! I'm about to get my first harvest -- radishes. I don't like them (heard they also deter certain bugs) but our crazy running friend Michele will benefit.

    Can't wait to see your garden this summer. I hope someday your yard has raspberry bushes...

  3. i need a Matt in my life.

    you are such a cute gardner KatieGirl! wish mine was all organized and ready to roll. so far i've gotten exactly NOTHING done in the yard this year. sigh.
