Friday, May 14, 2010


trying to capture the engraving on the back of my shuffle, I caught the dining room's reflection instead

a little love note just for me, written right where I would find it

Madi found the writing first, as I was compiling a playlist for my work outs.
John gave me the shuffle clear last Christmas, and I haven't taken it out of the box until this week.
It titles the shuffle for me "Sweet Kate" and leaves my phone number in case the mini music player somehow goes missing.
John has more than one nick name for me. This is my favorite one. Especially since he still calls me "sweet" even when he has seen me act (and BE) sour.

Its loaded and charged, ready to take me for miles long bike rides and help me endure longer and longer runs.

Thank you for such a sweet gift John. I love it. I hope I can be sweet to you until the bitter end.


  1. That is so sweet. :-)

  2. Very cute! Yesterday Porter stopped me in the hall and told me his mom had a green vest that matches the one I was wearing. I'm sure he doesn't know me from any other mom, but thought that was pretty cute. Matches your iPod too.
