Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Porter is Convinced...

Porter snapped this picture one afternoon last October

Porter's Activity list for a Family Night full of fun for everyone...

Porter is convinced that I am "addicted" to our computer. Last Fall he took a photo of me sitting infront of it (posting to this blog, as you can see). Then, for family night activity, Porter left me a list of all the things we could do to have fun, and "stuff on the computer" was what I could do. So Last night I asked Porter what the meaning of "addicted" is to him. He told me it means that its the thing you wish you could do all the time. That helped me understand why he is convinced that he is addicted to the Wii even though he plays Wii probably 45 minutes per week-on Fridays after school only!

I tried to teach Porter that addiction means that you can't give up something. That if you don't have that thing your physical body reacts negatively. People are addicted to cafiene. People are addicted to Alcohol or chocolate.

I am not addicted to the computer.

And it kind of cracks me up, because while he sees me sit at the computer for some amount of time most days, to check email or blog or get a recipe etc. I by far spend more time doing other things. Why doesn't Porter think that I'm addicted to folding laundry? Or rinsing dishes? Or weeding the flower beds? Or why doesn't he think I'm addicted to running or biking or swimming (spending lots more time doing those things lately, for better or for worse)

Ah Ha...

Perhaps addiction, to Porter, isn't about what you do for generous amounts of time. Perhaps it has more to do with what brings you more satisfaction no matter how much time you give if I could learn to be satisfied with folding laundry or doing dishes or even riding my bike long distances perhaps he would shift his ideas of what my addictions are.

Just to prove to Porter that I'm not addicted, I took on a challenge. No computer for a week. I'll check email from my phone-and I'll ask the kids to help me if I need to print a photo or check a recipe. But, sorry to say it, I don't think I will be blogging. Unless I have one of the kids do that for me too.

what a great idea! Look for posts from the kids starting Tomorrow, and all through the next 7 days. Maybe a guest post from John as well. You'll get to know what's going on in their heads the last weeks of school, and I'll enjoy having their thoughts and ideas right here in my own little space. Like love notes from the ones I love the most in this world.

I'm happy to go without this screen. It doesn't bother me one bit. I know I'll miss reading comments from you, and I'm sure I'll wonder what's going on in the world (no news via internet) and wishing for a chance to facebook with some friends from Joburg who I just connected with. But its all worth it to go without the computer for Porter, just so he knows...

I am not addicted :)

1 comment:

  1. You are such a great mom! Well said. Maybe I should take a week off of the computer, too. I almost did as my parents were in town and I just would check my e-mail quickly to make sure I was up on school, church callings, etc. Great post! Di finitely something to ponder. Thank you as always.
