Thursday, May 20, 2010

John's favorite posts

Since Katie's taking the week off to prove to Porter she's not addicted, I get to be a guest contributor. I don't know that Katie realized that reading her blog is an addiction for some of us, and she's forcing us into our own little detox by proving her point.

I've struggled to know what to write that would be interesting. I decided that I should share my favorite Katie posts along with a little commentary on each. Whether you find these or that interesting is another question only you will be able to answer.

Here are some of my favorite posts, in no particular order:

This is where it all began. I love that Katie decided to be a copious journalist as we spent our time in Vietnam, bringing Lucy home. I love that because of blogging we have a pretty good record of that momentous event in our family's history.

I love this page because we are introduced to Lucy for the first time. The looks we got as Katie carried Lucy around in that little peanut carrier through the streets of Saigon will forever be imprinted on my mind's eye. So will the look on Mason's face when Karaoke Ron came in and lay down next to him in nothing but his undies, stone cold drunk.

This post shared another enormous piece of news from our family - that Molly would become a Graham. She's named Molly and Elizabeth, two women that were unsinkable. We think Molly is too.

And our final adoption. I don't think Katie mentioned that I spent the first 13.5 years of my marriage adamantly against getting a dog. I love dogs, but I had several very good reasons we shouldn't get a dog. Turns out I was right, dead right. However, I still love Cooper and he loves me. I saw a sticker today that I liked. It said - I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am.

This post is my evidence whenever Katie feels like she's anything less than the greatest mom. Sheer wonderful, mothering genius. These kids are so lucky I'm not the one that stays home with them.

Because it describes my Katie. Enough said.

This smile is what I live for. That's the look Katie shows when she feels loved, which by the way if often when she receives a gift from someone she loves. She had the same look tonight when I gave her a bolt of green ribbon from the Wisteria outlet. She gets the same look when you send her a new G.

This reminded me of the only time I was suspended from school - for sliding on the school lawn in the rain and making a big mess.

Here here.

I could go on and on. I won't. As Katie tends to say, peaceful thoughts here - a talk that inspires me to live the way Katie lives.


  1. I made the mistake of opening up reader late in the evening. I have not kept myself up WAY too late reviewing these memorable posts. This was great John, thanks.

    I have been reminded of how lucky no - blessed - I am. To be your family. Katie's sister, your kid's aunt. A Hadfield.

  2. Thanks, John! I hadn't read several of the early posts... so enjoyable hearing Katie's voice share thoughts and feelings about family. Hug her for me.
