Thursday, July 01, 2010

Almost caught up with our Summer...

Porter acts as an anthropologist, digging for fossils left behind in Jurrassic era Lake Bonneville

she is the apple of my daughters' eyes. All of my girls adore Jenna. And she oozes love and goodness all over them whenever she comes to town.

After a weekend running Ragnar, we enjoyed time spent with Jenna. She and her sister, Carine, had come to town for Carine to attend an academic camp at BYU (go smarty pants Carine!). It is always a pleasure having Jenna around-and this year she came with her own set of wheels...she delivered kids to practices and play dates, she babysat and ran errands, and we tried to have a little fun with her as well at the neighborhood shave-ice shak. Thanks for coming Jenna!

While Jenna was here I got to take Porter and his cub scout troop up to a full day of camp. While life in the valley was nutty and full, I sat in the mountains and watched my child learn about the world around him, enjoy the beauties of nature, and be re-introduced to values I believe in. My mom and Jenna managed the chaos of our daily life at the Spruces and allowed me a day with one of my own-a breath of fresh air and a taste of perspective.

Just when you thought this was all we could fit into the busy month of June...check back tomorrow for the crowning activities of this crazy first month of summer.

and, no, I haven't forgotten about summer journal downloads. My tech support is away on business, I'll post it as soon as I can!

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