Wednesday, July 07, 2010

OK, here is the best part of our summer so far...

an old fashioned ice cream social. I brought toppings and cones and bowls. Friends brought home made and favorite-flovored ice cream..

my children mingle amidst friends from college, graduate school, and our neighborhood here at the Spruces

A book for friends to leave good wishes, sprinkled with words that describe the birthday boy...

These were the women I brought my first baby home to. Velma, center, was our landlord. Tricia, right had a baby just 8 weeks before us an dlived in the basement. Lois lived downstairs, and loved to hold Mason in her lap. All came to wish John a happy 40th. It was a wonderful reunion.

yellow sunflowers and vintage game pieces along with candles in old fashioned ice cream dishes were the centerpieces for the evening. John LOVES games, thus the game pieces. I love to entertain, thus the flowers and candles...

John turned 40.
And I threw him a party.
He went away for the weekend.
We worked like crazy while he was gone.
He came home. early.
The party was almost ready.
Then our backyard filled up with friends new and very old. We were both surprised at who and how many we enjoyed.
The back yard was perfect for a good old fashioned ice cream social.
Because our back yard is kind of old fashioned.
We loved every minute of the hot summer evening.
Thanks to my family for being such a help (my parents especially and Mandy and Jessa)
Thanks to our kids for hanging in there to get things "ready for dad's day".
Thanks to John for living 40 years worth celebrating.
Thanks to all who joined us to celebrate with us.


  1. LOVE the word pages... and it looks like such a fun party. That's important since John's OLD now. ; )

  2. Happy Birthday John! Wow what an amazing party that you threw for him. I love the decorations and the idea of an ice cream social. How cool!
