Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Thoughts

Friday is the only day of the week for "screens" so computer, TV upstairs and TV Down are all busy from the minute school gets out until dinner, sometimes after

Porter and a friend play video games until their eyeballs pop out. Screens on weekends only was a tradition begun 12 years ago. I believe its helped us raise better readers and better all around students, but I will admit I like the quiet distraction of screen days for some time to get things done

The kids are all home, watching TV and doing their "Friday Thing". The oldest have found friends to be with, the youngest have each other.

I will write this post and then go read the scriptures. I've been working hard to find time in each day to be quiet and listen to the thoughts and feelings that come. I think the crazy schedule of my daily routines is balanced with these few minutes of peace for my soul.

Then I will de-junk my little desk on the landing. It is cluttered with carpool schedules, school papers, coupons, catalogs, and the like. Taking something that is chaos and making order of it brings satisfaction to my psyche.

This afternoon I'll drive kids to birthday parties and "late nights". John is away having fun (for once). Seeing some big football team play in Arkansas. I miss him already-but he needs to have a turn once in a while to relax.

Tomorrow will be busy. I wanted to start the day with a bike ride, but the mornings have grown too dark for the hour when I wake. Instead it will be yoga, stretching and weight training. I'm trying to recover from some long time aches and pains, trying to take care of my body not just from the measurement of inches in my waist (though dropping a pant size by Thanksgiving is one of my goals!) but in terms of what I feed it (food as well as thought) and taking care of things like my skin and my muscle tone rather than trying to cover those things up with a new fall something from one of the catalogs on my desk...

Hope your weekend is wonderful. Mine will be very full and busy, and a little lonely without John. But the sun is shining, the patio is clean and I can sit and breath the fresh air in between football games, soccer games and my own evening events.

See you back here Monday...

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