Thursday, September 23, 2010

The past as it helps me real time

My inner cheerleader is satisfied...

22 years ago I was a member of the High School Pep Club.
Among other important responsibilities like doing a Highland scottish jig at halftime with my fellow pep-clubbers at Homecoming and marching in lines with high knees and tassles on our perfectly white socks (Highland=The SCOTTISH Highlands), we were assigned certain athletes whom we would encourage through the decorating of lockers and front porches (and automobiles). Always the "pepping" included clever sayings and foods that would spur our beloved athletes onto certain victory.

Who knew that was a preparation for my future mothering?

Porter and I just finished creating "team spirit reminders" for his little league football team.

"Roll over Riverton"! with tootsie rolls, salted nut rolls and fruit rolls in the mix.

Yes, I did say this was for Little League Football.

(sarcasm is dripping from that last sentence.)

Even so, my boy feels loved.

(no sarcasm in that sentence at all).
Go Olympus!

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