Thursday, September 09, 2010

Lucy and I are Home

Lucy has fun on a hike with our family, July 2010

This Week Molly began "all day school". That means I am now a mother with one child at home during the day (and she goes to school a couple of hours three times each week).

A mother I know asked the other day how Lucy would do at home without siblings to entertain her.

I told her she'd do just fine.

Lucy says to me, when we are changing the laundry,"well I guess we're having fun!"
Lucy says to me, as she splashes in the kitchen sink while I do the dishes, "thanks mom for the fun!"

At a time in my life when my other children remind me, pretty constantly, that I am NOT fun and that I do not know HOW to HAVE fun, it is nice to spend much of my time with a child who feels the NOT FUN things I have to do are actually a blast.

Lucy and I will do just fine.


  1. Katie,
    I am so very happy you will have this time with just Lucy. It is a first, to have just her to focus on. I know you will treasure the few hours you have 1 on 1 with her. She is a wonderful girl, patient and giving, innocent and wise and of course beautiful. So glad she is yours and ours. A wonderful, wonderful blessing in our lives!
