Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As You are Half a World Away...

We sing Happy Birthday to your very happy brother

The fruits of our labor; bottled pears from the trees at the Spruces

Dear John,

I've missed you so much this trip. Maybe its because you are so far away this time. Maybe its more practical; We have two parent meetings at the same time on Thursday night, and this week there is only one parent at home. Maybe its just because when you are around I feel safe and grounded. I think more clearly knowing someone's got my back. I sleep more soundly. I smile more often.

Yesterday we canned pears from the trees. Most of our harvest is still too green to bottle, so we'll do it again on Friday after the golden beauties have ripened a bit. Jody is amazing when it comes to these domestic duties. I know all the fruit would rot on the tree if it were left up to me...I have no affection for the mess of canning. But it feels very "vintage" to spend a day peeling fruit and visiting with my sisters. Like something we would have done all the time had we been sisters who raised our family with "Leave it to Beaver" living down the street.

some of my neighborhood friends think I am the Beaver's mom. Not because one of our kids looks or acts like the Beav...but because I wear aprons every where I go and sometimes sport my pearls and a skirt. That wasn't my look today; I was in work out clothes with sweaty hair from the time I woke up until just before bed. No shower because I moved from one project to the next with people needing this or that-its probably o.k. that you're not in our bed tonight because I was stinky from the morning's work out.

Dean's birthday party was fun. I took your advice, and was the first person to kick the soccer ball. Molly squealed (her LOUD squeal) every time the ball came her way. She kept backing up to kick it and Madi kept trying to show her what a bad idea that was ('see? if you back up I can come and take it away...like THIS!'). My favorite part of the entire weekend (besides sitting at dessert with you on Saturday) was watching Brynley and Madi play with a little toddler at the park. His Spanish speaking parents were there, and the girls kept rolling the soccer ball to him and smiling and giggling with him. It does my heart such good to see our children showing compassion to others. Like a reminder "this is why you do what you do every day of your life".

Now the house is quiet while Lucy plays with Vera and the others are away at school. I'm doing laundry and thinking of you. This afternoon it will get crazy again; swimming, piano, football and soccer-not to mention we take dinner the the neighbors tonight (but I'm super happy about that so no complaints!).

Just wanted to tell you I love you. Come home safe and soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm coming. Sorta. Got a red eye detour down under first.
