Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As You are Half a World Away...part II

Grandpa and Lucy enjoy breakfast at school

Khilola's delicious Russian cooking

Dear John,

Today has been full of feasts of one kind or another. The school had their annual "Pops and Pancakes". As you-Pop-were sleeping on your flight from Singapore to Australia, the kids' thought it would be cool if Grandpop could come instead. Daddy met us at school for McDonald's pancakes and really gross eggs. He had been up in the night because of a flooded basement (I can so relate) but he was great to come, and he wanted to come because the kids wanted him to be there if they couldn't have you.

Next I spent time with Khilola-helping her figure out preschool registration papers. It was a feast for my heart to enjoy time in her home. This humble Russian refugee, Khilola is a dedicated mother and dutiful daughter in law. A few times while I was there she excused herself to tend to her husband's mother-who is seriously ill with diabetes and high blood pressure. Having no parents or sisters of her own in this land, Khilola has shown great love and loyalty in her duties as a wife and daughter. Her children are so carefully tended to. She wants the best for them, that's why she and I went to 3 or 4 different preschools before she chose where she would send her them. Her questions to the teachers are well thought through and always show her intention to care for and nurture her two little twins.

Then, as usual, she fed me. Using their meager means, she whipped up a chocolate cake and something that tastes like Nan but is stuffed with meats and onion. Delicious-not so good for my wasteline, but a feast because she who had little, gave all.

Off to the Jr. High for me next, as Bryn hasn't managed to get her lunch made even one day this week-or most days since school started really. Her spirit is willing, but that flesh wants to stay in bed each morning! No morning chores for her these days. After checking her hair 10 times in the mirror and changing her clothes once or twice the carpool is here to take her away and she often goes very hungry. So, today, I had Great Harvest whip up an irresistable lunch for her, complete with chips and chocolate milk. It made it to school just in time for the lunch bell. I hope it was a feast for stomach and heart. I want her to know I love her.

Now I am cleaning the kitchen and thinking constantly of you. By the time you are home Khilola's cake will be gone, it takes too long for you to fly back to us. I hope your taste of Australia wets the appetite to return another time with me. I want to see the places my daddy always told me about from the time he lived half a world away, long ago.

I love you, come home safe and soon-

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