Thursday, September 16, 2010

While you are Half a World Away...part III

scouts started today. Porter was too excited to actually do any scouting!

the family dumping ground; our Swedish bench in the kitchen. Right in the line of sight of the Spruce's Front Door.
Dear John,

Yesterday afternoon was our first scout meeting. You would think four 8 year old boys would be pretty manageable with two adults to instruct them. Think again, my friend. Those boys had us running in circles for nearly the hour we had them. Add to that our daughters, who, seeing I was occupied and everything, decided that what they did and saw at school that day was vitally important to share right was a hair raising hour for me.

I'm pretty over the top fed up with the kids using the Swedish bench in the kitchen as the dumping pad. Its always full of their school and sports equipment, and various clothes and even shoes. They walk in the front door when they get home from school and practice and go straight to the kitchen to find me. Remembering their bodies are LOADED down, they see the bench and (!) unload. Then every person who comes to the door; parents picking up for carpool, salesmen who want me to listen, or friends who want our kids, witness clutter and mess instead of domestic calm and organization. It has made me want to design a mudroom to be made from the covered porch. I have idea after idea scurrying through my head but the reality of our budget looms larger, and instead I think I just need to change the garage code so they'll come in through the garage.

and it would help if we parked the car in there-because then when we get home from somewhere they'd get out of the car and come in through the back door, and at least they'd do their dumping somewhere else...and to park the car there we might have to sell some things, which would help the budget...good news all around (!)

Today you are flying back, but it will take so many hours from where you are that we won't get to see you til tomorrow. I'm tired from texting with you until midnight my time (it was breakfast time for you, no fair). I have to drive extra carpools today so other mothers can go to cooking classes and on day trips so I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. Maybe I'll take a nap-or maybe Lucy and I will go to lunch (I need a reason to take a shower and get ready for the day)

Its that time in your travel schedule when we are all feeling a little stressed and a lot lonely. Brynley began to cry last night for you-wanting to know when you won't travel so much. Mason wants to email and facebook you every five minutes to make sure you're safe (and to have an excuse to see if his friend status has changed) and Porter was mad that no one made it to see his football scrimmage last night. I want a good night's sleep and a reason to get up and work out again. No motivation to go to bed. No motivation to keep the halloween oreos out of my mouth and no motivation to go to the gym or work to keep my body from turning into a marshmallow. As you can see, our spirits are low.

But today will be beautiful outside, and I will go water the garden and think of you. Its time to finish the 4 loads of laundry, and to make bruchette for tomorrow. I will take Lucy for a walk in the stroller, and we'll have dinner and bath night and bedtime. Tomorrow will come, and it will be happy because you'll come home safe (and soon) to us.

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