Friday, September 17, 2010

While you are Half a World Away...part IV

so glad you are home

Dear John,
I can't tell you the butterflies that overcame me this morning when you texted that you were in L.A.; our hemisphere! Thank goodness, I can talk to you 'real time' and not communicate every emotion through writing. The sound of your voice is so good for my soul.

It was fun to see Lucy run into you arms when I brought her home from preschool and you were here to greet her (and me). Thank you for the tender kiss. And thank you for sending me off again-to enjoy time with good women eating good food. That luncheon was so enjoyable for me; such a treat to rub shoulders with women of substance, women who choose to be good. You could have asked me to stay home with you, but you recognize that its time for me to grow some friendships in this part of the world we live in.

Now you are off nursing Brynley's heart; helping her feel secure and happy by spending time with you. Hours on the ground at home and you are mending, repairing (literally repairing the bed that was broken!) the little bumps and bruises that come with tennager-ing. So good to our children, and to me-it is relief and rejoicing that you are home.

just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you. Thank you for coming home safe, and for coming home as soon as you could.

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