Monday, December 06, 2010

New York Weekend

As close to Tiffany's as I'll ever get!

The view from Bouchon, Columbus Circle as it prepares for Christmas

John enjoys a slice of Red Velvet from Magnolia Bakery, delicious!

Two weekends with John in one month is other-worldly for me. Those weekends being on each of the Country's coasts was incredible. Eating good food, seeing a show, satiating every shopping tendency in my body (not buying, just shopping!), and walking miles a day was down right fun.

The best days of the trip; delicious lunch and a matinee with John. And a day following my friend Sariah through the city. Sariah let me tag along as she ran errands (on foot) and purchased her children's christmas gifts (FAO Schwartz and the American Girl Store). Sariah and her husband Ben moved to the city just after their marriage and graduation from Business School in Chicago (where we met them). 13 years later they are still there, raising their 4 children in a 2 bedroom apartment. Ben was just released as the bishop of the church congregation that meets on Columbus Ave. They work and serve and adapt all the time as they raise their children in urban-mecca.

So, enjoying those relationships was the best part of the trip. Shopping and lights and glitter and 'stuff'? that was fun too, but not nearly as fulfilling.

My trip taking time is ended for at least another year. It was an amazing experience to be on each coast of our country and to take in the very different sights and sounds and "feels" of the Eastern and Wesetern sides of the continent.

Now I'm home, and we are back in the throws of Holiday preparations and parenting a crew. I'm glad to have had these wonderful experiences, and feel doubly blessed to have enjoyed them with John.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time. I love NYC. It is so beautiful and so much fun to enjoy for a weekend. What show did you see?
