Friday, December 03, 2010

Way Back Last Weekend

candles, bounty-inspired, and brown and white decor were the fashion for the table.

John's cooking schedule. He has make these elaborate lists, spread sheets and time tables for the last many years-no wonder everything is ready on time, and all the dishes make it to the table warm and delicious!

Mom Graham dishes up, with smoked turkey, pinenut dressing, smashed potatoes, jello salad, tossed green salad, traditional sweet potatoes and even more traditional green bean casserole. 3 varieties of pie and two different types of bread. A feast if there ever was one.

Our Russian neighbors join us for their first traditional Thanksgiving. Grandma Graham has been our Thanksgiving guest for the past many years.

We celebrated Thanksgiving. John, in usual fashion, made us a wonderful feast. This year he let me make the apple pie, and I contributed my usual offering of homemade rolls (two kinds). We enjoyed setting a beautiful table, and it felt nice to have that table full of neighbors and wonderful family. We 'passed the pig' to share the things we are thankful for (a little 3 legged clay pig, passed from person to person, when the pig comes to you its time to tell something you are grateful for).

I like Thanksgiving because it is full of our family. We invite friends, we invite relatives, but it is us and the kids cooking and cleaning, setting table and being together. And sometimes that time with our family is the thing I'm most thankful for.

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