Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 for LUCY

sparkling eyes and a princess like smile are the trademarks of Lucy's beauty

Lucy's giggles and excitement are unmatched in our home; she jumps and twirls and laughs and plays, and helps us all to be happy

This is Lucy's favorite school mate. Vera comes to our house, or Lucy goes to hers, nearly every week. Together they play house, play dolls, play fairies or do elaborate crafts. I am so happy she has this friend, a darling companion for a darling daughter

Lucy poses at Madi's class simulation. Lucy has to attend numerous events to support her older siblings. She is starting to enjoy the celebrity she experiences when she walks into a classroom.

Lucy poses at a Sugar Plum Fairy Tea hostessed by her ballet instructor. Lucy lives in that enchanting time of life when imagination is vibrant and beautiful. A little cotton candy can truly be fairy dust, a lemonade in a tea cup the most wonderful tea.

Lucy is like the brightest star, twinkling and sparkling in a heavenly sense. She is adored by family, friends, strangers and teachers. She is enjoyed by her mother immensely.

Lucy, during 2010, went to preschool, began dance class, enjoyed play dates and learned how to be a cheerleader. Not in a "Go TEAM!" kind of sense, but in a "I go wherever my mom needs to be to support my brothers and sisters" kind of sense. Lucy has cheered at Rugby games, clapped and dance performances, hollered "bravo" at school musicals, cheered at Football games and soccer games alike, and has learned to sit still until piano pieces are completed at piano recitals too. She loves being the 'little one' but sees, with all this cheering, the fun it is to grow up; and as she grows she shines.

One of my favorite moments with Lucy this year was in December. The little ballet class she attends showers parents with a "Sugar Plum Fairy" performance. Lucy, in her fancy tutu and her shiny ballet crown, sparkled with excitement as she pointed her toes and showed us ballet's toe positions. She dazzled the group with her ability to keep the beat of the nutcracker music as she executed her part with ease and precision. But the real shining moment for Lucy? It was the appearance of a nutcracker's sugar plum fairy; an older ballerina who came in with dazzling costume and dripping grace. Lucy's breath was taken away as she watched this lovely girl act like a ballerina. After the little performance, Lucy was changed just a little. Wanting to become a ballerina princess herself, she began walking taller, with a deeper bow and a gentler grace. She had a fairy's expectations to live up to!

While Lucy is with me in the house this last year, she and I try to make the most of our days together. Lucy has to follow me around on errands, and come into classrooms to volunteer with me. The children in these classrooms are always happy to see her and treat her as an honored guest. I think Lucy's entry into the world of public school will be made easier by the confidence she feels as she walks the halls with me, saying hello to teachers and students as they pass her on their way.

Lucy's most endearing times for me, as her mother, are in the early mornings. Though I wish she would sleep later than 5:30 a.m. I love to hear her little feet on the floors as they patter their way to my bedroom. Often I am in the slow process of early rising when I hear her coming our way-so I turn out my light and lay down just in time to have her climb up next to me. Our quiet cuddling doesn't last very long before my day must begin, but I know these early moments will come to an end soon, so right now they are treasured times.

Lucy's recently been very interested in the land where she was born. She asks me about the orphanage, and we read a book of Vietnemese folk tales before she sleeps each night. The other day she told me she wished we could go back and visit the 'people who loved me', the nurses and caregivers in her room at the orphanage who gave her such love and attention. It has caused me to reflect on the goodness of all that transpired for her to belong to us. When I see her jump with joy on the trampoline, or play and giggle with her friends and cousins, I feel a deep and motherly gratitude for the goodness of God and all He did to whisper to my heart to go find her. I know it was her-not just any little soul, but THIS little soul-that was meant to be a Graham. I'm so happy he spoke to us. I will always be so happy I heard him.

1 comment:

  1. Tears again.

    I'm still claiming cuddles from Anna... hope Lucy's will continue for you even as she grows.
