Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 for MOLLY

Smart, Spunky and Happy. Molly is a power packed 6 year old dynamo.

Molly LOVED Disneyland; and was more brave than the older among us. She went on the "Tower of Terror" three times! Yes! I said three times! But, as all little girls, one of her favorite memories was meeting the princesses

Up in the canyon last summer. Molly enjoys walking, hiking, skiing and swimming. Just like a Graham really should...

ready for 'crazy hair' day at preschool; Molly and Lucy are rarely apart. Moll is learning, with time and practice, to be a compassionate and empathetic big sister

The Star of her School's "Spring Sing"; Molly does everything with amazing enthusiasm. The teachers had to ask her to "sing more quiet ;)". She gives it 110% whether its in throwing a tantrum or making her bed.

Molly is really 'growing into' being Molly, and the experiences of the past year show that she is growing to be an incredible person. Passion and exuberance are a large part of her nature, as well as intelligence, goodness and sincerity. This girl is really beginning to bloom.

2010 was a chapter closed for this little girl; the end of preschool and the start of "all day school". She has welcomed the invitation to become 'big' and really enjoys the academic challenges she is given through both her half day private kindergarten and her half day public school. No where does she BLOSSOM the way she does at school. Molly is a delight to her teachers, a student full of respect and interest, a kind and caring classmate. Her teachers ADORE her and are so pleased with her progress and her personality.

At home Molly is pruning some less than desirable tendencies, like not punching her little sister or sabotaging her roommates belongings. It has been a struggle for Molly to learn boundaries and practice compassion at home, but here she grows as well. As time goes on we see not only Molly's increasing successes, but we see her deep sincerity and the absolute amazing ability she has to remember things (for good and for ill! Don't cross her! She won't forget it!). One of the sweetest times with Molly this year has been when she has talked about the things she learns and thinks about at Church. She has a deep interest in the doctrines we employ; that God knows her and loves her completely. That He has a plan for her and for her happiness. That part of that plan is being part of our family. That she can learn more and be more if she listens to Him, in the quietness of her heart. Molly is bringing this into her life. And because of that the little weeds and rough places that creep in to her home life will become fewer and fewer over time.

Molly has grown to be a great swimmer, a great skier, and an earnest soccer player. She is begging to follow in her sister Madi's footprints and join the swim team, and we really enjoy her weekly improvements on the ski hill. One of our favorite gifts to Molly this Christmas was a HELMET, because she hits the slopes with the same passion that Pollack's paint drops hit the canvas.

Molly's world has grown larger because now she can READ. She points out words as we drive in the car, she picks out sentences and phrases from the newspaper, and every night we sit down to hear the chapter length books sent home from school. Her next academic challenge will be the piano, something she is eager to tackle!

As we have watched Molly grow this year I have held in my heart the picture of the little baby that was placed in my arms at Christmas time in 2004. a frail little body with big eyes and a weary smile, one who had inner strength and determination that we could feel and see as we loved her so much. I know as we continue to love and love and love her that she will continue to blossom and bloom in many new and happy ways.


  1. I LOVE these pictures of Molly, the last one in particular. Love that girl!

  2. I LOVE these pictures of Molly, the last one in particular. Love that girl!

  3. Beautiful, Katie.

    I think of you all the time, you know! On Sunday Jill B. was wearing a "Katie Graham" jacket, one of her girls said. : ) And in presidency meeting, reporting a visit to a new family whose Mom hugged me immediately, Michele W. commented that was like YOU. So know you are loved and missed!
