Friday, January 14, 2011

2010 for PORTER

Even through the glasses, Porter's eyes shine! He looks you in the eye, his confidence and sincerity are sure.

A very significant day for Porter this past year, his baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He looked forward to this day all year long, and once he had been baptized, he spoke about the event with excitement and accomplishment.

Always ready to have some fun. And always ready to ham it up!

Being a Cub Scout means a lot to Porter. Now, if only we can help him embody that scout motto...a scout is helpful...

Porter and mom on a field trip last Spring. This kid needs hugs from his mama every day to be happy; and his mama is happy to oblige!

This has been a year of decision for Porter, and he has worked hard to make great choices. In winter of this year he decided to become a skiier (and then he decided he would be GOOD at skiing). Then came a decision to play soccer in the spring. He decided he would do that as long as his dad would help coach. As school wound to a close Porter made some decisions about being a good hardworking student; these were in contrast to earlier decisions to avoid school work and take numerous trips to the bathroom or to the desks of other classmates during school instruction - that decision has proven to be one Porter has stuck with, stepping up during the current school year and becomming not just a good student, but a great one. We've seen multiple "good notes" come home with anecdotes of great class participation and finishing work when assigned. As you can imagine, mom and dad are so proud of these choices.

As summer came along Porter made a huge decision to be baptized a member of our church. I think Porter realized, as much as a child can, that this was the most significant decision in his life so far. He was prayerful about it, inquisitive about its meaning, and confident in its correctness.

As summer came to an end, another choice needed to be made. Porter had the chance to switch sports from soccer to football. Leaving soccer would mean leaving his dad as a coach, going to football would be working with boys who Porter did not know. Porter chose football, and that choice was the start of a fantastic season for Porter. He learned from fantastic coaches the lessons that football provides; hard work brings results, being part of a team is a great thing, having heart and courage means (almost) as much as having skill. Porter's team took the championship, and he was SO HAPPY he had chosen football.

Another of Porter's favorite decisions has been to participate in Cub Scouts. And he has been especially happy this school year with a choice that his mother made; to be his cub scout leader. It is nice for your child to be 'proud of you' because you show him what it means to be a good citizen, how to be resourceful and how to pound nails into boards with hammers. And its nice for this mom to be proud of Porter because he wants to hold true to the ideals and ethics of scouting; honesty, service to other, duty to God and country.

Now, as the year ends, Porter continues to make choices every day; most of them good, some of them not; like the choice to loose his glasses? not a good choice. That choice to sneak food into his bedroom and hide it under the bed? Not such an awesome choice either. And then there was the choice togo and play the neighbor's video games one day after school without permission...not every choice is 'choice'. But most of them are great.

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