Monday, January 31, 2011

Authentic Me: Service

this is me, in Haiti; an orphan on my hip, my soon-to-be-neighbor, and newly adopted son to Susie, in front.
traveling to Haiti; part of being ME

AUTHENTIC: adjective
1. Not false or copied; genuine; real:
2. Having the origin supported by unquestionable evidence:

I'm turning 40 this summer. 2011 begins my 4th decade.

I have really been surprised at how freaked out I feel about this fact.

I am in "mid-life".

And my life is full, and busy and good.

But I am thinking lately about what makes me ME. What is authentic about me? Not copied from a catalog, or borrowed from a buddy? Not adopted because of fad, not incorporated because of philosophy...

I'm going to explore this about myself every once in a while, and take some time to really enjoy the person I have become over the past 40 years.

I was counciled way back when I turned 17 that I had within me "the gift of compassion". That I would be one who would want to serve my fellow man. And that I should look for opportunities to do so.

I have heeded this advice, at some times more than at others.

It is my authentic nature to feel comfortable in service. I am at home, I am happy with a baby in my arms or a friend in need of me. I joy in lifting burdens, because as I lift for others, the weight on my own shoulders becomes lighter.

This is part of who I am. And somehow this year I intend to make serving others a regular, even daily, part of my life. Over the past many years this service has primarily been given to my own children. And that will, of course, continue. But its time for me to show more to my children about what it means to serve outside of family-and in doing this their own service will be employed. Our family needs to serve, just as I need to serve, to be truly, authentically Happy.

When do you feel most 'like YOU'? Think about it, and let me know.

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