Friday, January 28, 2011

Ready for a Weekend

Friday is TV watching Day. It is the start of the Weekend at our house.

The little girls are fixed in front of the tv in the den.
Porter is held hostage in the Library, his ransom the completion of unfinished school work.
Brynley is on the phone-making arrangements to 'play' with friends as soon as she is able.
Mason, undoubtedly, is at his friend Derek's house, eating his parents food and playing video games 'to unwind'.
Madi is skiing with 15 other 5th grade girls.
I sit at the computer, thinking of projects I must get to (organize the pantry, fold the clean laundry, clean off my desk) but I'd rather avoid.
Because its Friday.
I want a weekend just like my kids do. With freedom to play with my friends or watch a tv show or NOT cook dinner.

But I'm the mom.

So, I'll take a few minutes and write to all of you,
then go clean out the pantry and fold the clothes.
And then I'll watch tv with my kids (or play "Just Dance" with them on the Wii ;)

Happy Friday. Happy Weekend.

I'm thinking of this sermon. I wonder what I need from it today?

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